
Source code for mmengine.logging.logger

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import logging
import os
import sys
from logging import Logger, LogRecord
from typing import Optional, Union

from termcolor import colored

from mmengine.utils import ManagerMixin
from mmengine.utils.manager import _accquire_lock, _release_lock

class MMFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    """Colorful format for MMLogger. If the log level is error, the logger will
    additionally output the location of the code.

        color (bool): Whether to use colorful format. filehandler is not
            allowed to use color format, otherwise it will be garbled.
        blink (bool): Whether to blink the ``INFO`` and ``DEBUG`` logging
        **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to
    _color_mapping: dict = dict(
        ERROR='red', WARNING='yellow', INFO='white', DEBUG='green')

    def __init__(self, color: bool = True, blink: bool = False, **kwargs):
        assert not (not color and blink), (
            'blink should only be available when color is True')
        # Get prefix format according to color.
        error_prefix = self._get_prefix('ERROR', color, blink=True)
        warn_prefix = self._get_prefix('WARNING', color, blink=True)
        info_prefix = self._get_prefix('INFO', color, blink)
        debug_prefix = self._get_prefix('DEBUG', color, blink)

        # Config output format.
        self.err_format = (f'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - {error_prefix} - '
                           '%(pathname)s - %(funcName)s - %(lineno)d - '
        self.warn_format = (f'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - {warn_prefix} - %('
        self.info_format = (f'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - {info_prefix} - %('
        self.debug_format = (f'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - {debug_prefix} - %('

    def _get_prefix(self, level: str, color: bool, blink=False) -> str:
        """Get the prefix of the target log level.

            level (str): log level.
            color (bool): Whether to get colorful prefix.
            blink (bool): Whether the prefix will blink.

            str: The plain or colorful prefix.
        if color:
            attrs = ['underline']
            if blink:
            prefix = colored(level, self._color_mapping[level], attrs=attrs)
            prefix = level
        return prefix

    def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str:
        """Override the `logging.Formatter.format`` method `. Output the
        message according to the specified log level.

            record (LogRecord): A LogRecord instance represents an event being

            str: Formatted result.
        if record.levelno == logging.ERROR:
            self._style._fmt = self.err_format
        elif record.levelno == logging.WARNING:
            self._style._fmt = self.warn_format
        elif record.levelno == logging.INFO:
            self._style._fmt = self.info_format
        elif record.levelno == logging.DEBUG:
            self._style._fmt = self.debug_format

        result = logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
        return result

[docs]class MMLogger(Logger, ManagerMixin): """Formatted logger used to record messages. ``MMLogger`` can create formatted logger to log message with different log levels and get instance in the same way as ``ManagerMixin``. ``MMLogger`` has the following features: - Distributed log storage, ``MMLogger`` can choose whether to save log of different ranks according to `log_file`. - Message with different log levels will have different colors and format when displayed on terminal. Note: - The `name` of logger and the ``instance_name`` of ``MMLogger`` could be different. We can only get ``MMLogger`` instance by ``MMLogger.get_instance`` but not ``logging.getLogger``. This feature ensures ``MMLogger`` will not be incluenced by third-party logging config. - Different from ``logging.Logger``, ``MMLogger`` will not log warning or error message without ``Handler``. Examples: >>> logger = MMLogger.get_instance(name='MMLogger', >>> logger_name='Logger') >>> # Although logger has name attribute just like `logging.Logger` >>> # We cannot get logger instance by `logging.getLogger`. >>> assert == 'Logger' >>> assert logger.instance_name = 'MMLogger' >>> assert id(logger) != id(logging.getLogger('Logger')) >>> # Get logger that do not store logs. >>> logger1 = MMLogger.get_instance('logger1') >>> # Get logger only save rank0 logs. >>> logger2 = MMLogger.get_instance('logger2', log_file='out.log') >>> # Get logger only save multiple ranks logs. >>> logger3 = MMLogger.get_instance('logger3', log_file='out.log', >>> distributed=True) Args: name (str): Global instance name. logger_name (str): ``name`` attribute of ``Logging.Logger`` instance. If `logger_name` is not defined, defaults to 'mmengine'. log_file (str, optional): The log filename. If specified, a ``FileHandler`` will be added to the logger. Defaults to None. log_level (str): The log level of the handler and logger. Defaults to "NOTSET". file_mode (str): The file mode used to open log file. Defaults to 'w'. distributed (bool): Whether to save distributed logs, Defaults to false. """ def __init__(self, name: str, logger_name='mmengine', log_file: Optional[str] = None, log_level: str = 'INFO', file_mode: str = 'w', distributed=False): Logger.__init__(self, logger_name) ManagerMixin.__init__(self, name) # Get rank in DDP mode. rank = _get_rank() # Config stream_handler. If `rank != 0`. stream_handler can only # export ERROR logs. stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) # `StreamHandler` record month, day, hour, minute, and second # timestamp. stream_handler.setFormatter( MMFormatter(color=True, datefmt='%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) # Only rank0 `StreamHandler` will log messages below error level. stream_handler.setLevel(log_level) if rank == 0 else \ stream_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) self.handlers.append(stream_handler) if log_file is not None: if rank != 0: # rename `log_file` with rank suffix. path_split = log_file.split(os.sep) if '.' in path_split[-1]: filename_list = path_split[-1].split('.') filename_list[-2] = f'{filename_list[-2]}_rank{rank}' path_split[-1] = '.'.join(filename_list) else: path_split[-1] = f'{path_split[-1]}_rank{rank}' log_file = os.sep.join(path_split) # Save multi-ranks logs if distributed is True. The logs of rank0 # will always be saved. if rank == 0 or distributed: # Here, the default behaviour of the official logger is 'a'. # Thus, we provide an interface to change the file mode to # the default behaviour. `FileHandler` is not supported to # have colors, otherwise it will appear garbled. file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file, file_mode) # `StreamHandler` record year, month, day hour, minute, # and second timestamp. file_handler will only record logs # without color to avoid garbled code saved in files. file_handler.setFormatter( MMFormatter(color=False, datefmt='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) file_handler.setLevel(log_level) self.handlers.append(file_handler)
[docs] @classmethod def get_current_instance(cls) -> 'MMLogger': """Get latest created ``MMLogger`` instance. :obj:`MMLogger` can call :meth:`get_current_instance` before any instance has been created, and return a logger with the instance name "mmengine". Returns: MMLogger: Configured logger instance. """ if not cls._instance_dict: cls.get_instance('mmengine') return super().get_current_instance()
[docs] def callHandlers(self, record: LogRecord) -> None: """Pass a record to all relevant handlers. Override ``callHandlers`` method in ``logging.Logger`` to avoid multiple warning messages in DDP mode. Loop through all handlers of the logger instance and its parents in the logger hierarchy. If no handler was found, the record will not be output. Args: record (LogRecord): A ``LogRecord`` instance contains logged message. """ for handler in self.handlers: if record.levelno >= handler.level: handler.handle(record)
[docs] def setLevel(self, level): """Set the logging level of this logger. If ``logging.Logger.selLevel`` is called, all ``logging.Logger`` instances managed by ``logging.Manager`` will clear the cache. Since ``MMLogger`` is not managed by ``logging.Manager`` anymore, ``MMLogger`` should override this method to clear caches of all ``MMLogger`` instance which is managed by :obj:`ManagerMixin`. level must be an int or a str. """ # Compatible with python3.6. `logging.Logger` does not have # `_cache` attribute in python3.6. self.level = logging._checkLevel(level) if hasattr(self, '_cache'): _accquire_lock() # The same logic as `logging.Manager._clear_cache`. for logger in MMLogger._instance_dict.values(): logger._cache.clear() _release_lock()
def _get_rank(): """Support using logging module without torch.""" try: # requires torch from mmengine.dist import get_rank except ImportError: return 0 else: return get_rank()

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