
mmengine.config.config 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import ast
import copy
import os
import os.path as osp
import platform
import shutil
import tempfile
import types
import uuid
import warnings
from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser, Namespace
from collections import abc
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from addict import Dict
from yapf.yapflib.yapf_api import FormatCode

from mmengine.fileio import dump, load
from mmengine.logging import print_log
from mmengine.utils import (check_file_exist, get_installed_path,
                            import_modules_from_strings, is_installed)
from .utils import (RemoveAssignFromAST, _get_external_cfg_base_path,
                    _get_external_cfg_path, _get_package_and_cfg_path)

BASE_KEY = '_base_'
DELETE_KEY = '_delete_'
DEPRECATION_KEY = '_deprecation_'
RESERVED_KEYS = ['filename', 'text', 'pretty_text', 'env_variables']

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    import regex as re
    import re  # type: ignore

[文档]class ConfigDict(Dict): """A dictionary for config which has the same interface as python's built- in dictionary and can be used as a normal dictionary. The Config class would transform the nested fields (dictionary-like fields) in config file into ``ConfigDict``. """ def __missing__(self, name): raise KeyError(name) def __getattr__(self, name): try: value = super().__getattr__(name) except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no " f"attribute '{name}'") except Exception as e: raise e else: return value
def add_args(parser: ArgumentParser, cfg: dict, prefix: str = '') -> ArgumentParser: """Add config fields into argument parser. Args: parser (ArgumentParser): Argument parser. cfg (dict): Config dictionary. prefix (str, optional): Prefix of parser argument. Defaults to ''. Returns: ArgumentParser: Argument parser containing config fields. """ for k, v in cfg.items(): if isinstance(v, str): parser.add_argument('--' + prefix + k) elif isinstance(v, bool): parser.add_argument('--' + prefix + k, action='store_true') elif isinstance(v, int): parser.add_argument('--' + prefix + k, type=int) elif isinstance(v, float): parser.add_argument('--' + prefix + k, type=float) elif isinstance(v, dict): add_args(parser, v, prefix + k + '.') elif isinstance(v, abc.Iterable): parser.add_argument( '--' + prefix + k, type=type(next(iter(v))), nargs='+') else: print_log( f'cannot parse key {prefix + k} of type {type(v)}', logger='current') return parser
[文档]class Config: """A facility for config and config files. It supports common file formats as configs: python/json/yaml. ``Config.fromfile`` can parse a dictionary from a config file, then build a ``Config`` instance with the dictionary. The interface is the same as a dict object and also allows access config values as attributes. Args: cfg_dict (dict, optional): A config dictionary. Defaults to None. cfg_text (str, optional): Text of config. Defaults to None. filename (str or Path, optional): Name of config file. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> cfg = Config(dict(a=1, b=dict(b1=[0, 1]))) >>> cfg.a 1 >>> cfg.b {'b1': [0, 1]} >>> cfg.b.b1 [0, 1] >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('tests/data/config/') >>> cfg.filename "/home/username/projects/mmengine/tests/data/config/" >>> cfg.item4 'test' >>> cfg "Config [path: /home/username/projects/mmengine/tests/data/config/] :" "{'item1': [1, 2], 'item2': {'a': 0}, 'item3': True, 'item4': 'test'}" """ def __init__(self, cfg_dict: dict = None, cfg_text: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, env_variables: Optional[dict] = None): filename = str(filename) if isinstance(filename, Path) else filename if cfg_dict is None: cfg_dict = dict() elif not isinstance(cfg_dict, dict): raise TypeError('cfg_dict must be a dict, but ' f'got {type(cfg_dict)}') for key in cfg_dict: if key in RESERVED_KEYS: raise KeyError(f'{key} is reserved for config file') super().__setattr__('_cfg_dict', ConfigDict(cfg_dict)) super().__setattr__('_filename', filename) if cfg_text: text = cfg_text elif filename: with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: text = else: text = '' super().__setattr__('_text', text) if env_variables is None: env_variables = dict() super().__setattr__('_env_variables', env_variables)
[文档] @staticmethod def fromfile(filename: Union[str, Path], use_predefined_variables: bool = True, import_custom_modules: bool = True, use_environment_variables: bool = True) -> 'Config': """Build a Config instance from config file. Args: filename (str or Path): Name of config file. use_predefined_variables (bool, optional): Whether to use predefined variables. Defaults to True. import_custom_modules (bool, optional): Whether to support importing custom modules in config. Defaults to True. Returns: Config: Config instance built from config file. """ filename = str(filename) if isinstance(filename, Path) else filename cfg_dict, cfg_text, env_variables = Config._file2dict( filename, use_predefined_variables, use_environment_variables) if import_custom_modules and cfg_dict.get('custom_imports', None): try: import_modules_from_strings(**cfg_dict['custom_imports']) except ImportError as e: raise ImportError('Failed to custom import!') from e return Config( cfg_dict, cfg_text=cfg_text, filename=filename, env_variables=env_variables)
[文档] @staticmethod def fromstring(cfg_str: str, file_format: str) -> 'Config': """Build a Config instance from config text. Args: cfg_str (str): Config text. file_format (str): Config file format corresponding to the config str. Only py/yml/yaml/json type are supported now! Returns: Config: Config object generated from ``cfg_str``. """ if file_format not in ['.py', '.json', '.yaml', '.yml']: raise OSError('Only py/yml/yaml/json type are supported now!') if file_format != '.py' and 'dict(' in cfg_str: # check if users specify a wrong suffix for python warnings.warn( 'Please check "file_format", the file format may be .py') # A temporary file can not be opened a second time on Windows. # See for more details. # noqa # `temp_file` is opened first in `tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile` and # second in `Config.from_file`. # In addition, a named temporary file will be removed after closed. # As a workaround we set `delete=False` and close the temporary file # before opening again. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( 'w', encoding='utf-8', suffix=file_format, delete=False) as temp_file: temp_file.write(cfg_str) cfg = Config.fromfile( os.remove( # manually delete the temporary file return cfg
@staticmethod def _validate_py_syntax(filename: str): """Validate syntax of python config. Args: filename (str): Filename of python config file. """ with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: content = try: ast.parse(content) except SyntaxError as e: raise SyntaxError('There are syntax errors in config ' f'file {filename}: {e}') @staticmethod def _substitute_predefined_vars(filename: str, temp_config_name: str): """Substitute predefined variables in config with actual values. Sometimes we want some variables in the config to be related to the current path or file name, etc. Here is an example of a typical usage scenario. When training a model, we define a working directory in the config that save the models and logs. For different configs, we expect to define different working directories. A common way for users is to use the config file name directly as part of the working directory name, e.g. for the config ````, the working directory is ``. /work_dir/config_setting1``. This can be easily achieved using predefined variables, which can be written in the config `` as follows .. code-block:: python work_dir = '. /work_dir/{{ fileBasenameNoExtension }}' Here `{{ fileBasenameNoExtension }}` indicates the file name of the config (without the extension), and when the config class reads the config file, it will automatically parse this double-bracketed string to the corresponding actual value. .. code-block:: python cfg = Config.fromfile('. /') cfg.work_dir # ". /work_dir/config_setting1" For details, Please refer to docs/zh_cn/advanced_tutorials/ . Args: filename (str): Filename of config. temp_config_name (str): Temporary filename to save substituted config. """ file_dirname = osp.dirname(filename) file_basename = osp.basename(filename) file_basename_no_extension = osp.splitext(file_basename)[0] file_extname = osp.splitext(filename)[1] support_templates = dict( fileDirname=file_dirname, fileBasename=file_basename, fileBasenameNoExtension=file_basename_no_extension, fileExtname=file_extname) with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: config_file = for key, value in support_templates.items(): regexp = r'\{\{\s*' + str(key) + r'\s*\}\}' value = value.replace('\\', '/') config_file = re.sub(regexp, value, config_file) with open(temp_config_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as tmp_config_file: tmp_config_file.write(config_file) @staticmethod def _substitute_env_variables(filename: str, temp_config_name: str): """Substitute environment variables in config with actual values. Sometimes, we want to change some items in the config with environment variables. For examples, we expect to change dataset root by setting ``DATASET_ROOT=/dataset/root/path`` in the command line. This can be easily achieved by writing lines in the config as follows .. code-block:: python data_root = '{{$DATASET_ROOT:/default/dataset}}/images' Here, ``{{$DATASET_ROOT:/default/dataset}}`` indicates using the environment variable ``DATASET_ROOT`` to replace the part between ``{{}}``. If the ``DATASET_ROOT`` is not set, the default value ``/default/dataset`` will be used. Environment variables not only can replace items in the string, they can also substitute other types of data in config. In this situation, we can write the config as below .. code-block:: python model = dict( bbox_head = dict(num_classes={{'$NUM_CLASSES:80'}})) For details, Please refer to docs/zh_cn/tutorials/ . Args: filename (str): Filename of config. temp_config_name (str): Temporary filename to save substituted config. """ with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: config_file = regexp = r'\{\{[\'\"]?\s*\$(\w+)\s*\:\s*(\S*?)\s*[\'\"]?\}\}' keys = re.findall(regexp, config_file) env_variables = dict() for var_name, value in keys: regexp = r'\{\{[\'\"]?\s*\$' + var_name + r'\s*\:\s*' \ + value + r'\s*[\'\"]?\}\}' if var_name in os.environ: value = os.environ[var_name] env_variables[var_name] = value print_log( f'Using env variable `{var_name}` with value of ' f'{value} to replace item in config.', logger='current') if not value: raise KeyError(f'`{var_name}` cannot be found in `os.environ`.' f' Please set `{var_name}` in environment or ' 'give a default value.') config_file = re.sub(regexp, value, config_file) with open(temp_config_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as tmp_config_file: tmp_config_file.write(config_file) return env_variables @staticmethod def _pre_substitute_base_vars(filename: str, temp_config_name: str) -> dict: """Preceding step for substituting variables in base config with actual value. Args: filename (str): Filename of config. temp_config_name (str): Temporary filename to save substituted config. Returns: dict: A dictionary contains variables in base config. """ with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: config_file = base_var_dict = {} regexp = r'\{\{\s*' + BASE_KEY + r'\.([\w\.]+)\s*\}\}' base_vars = set(re.findall(regexp, config_file)) for base_var in base_vars: randstr = f'_{base_var}_{uuid.uuid4().hex.lower()[:6]}' base_var_dict[randstr] = base_var regexp = r'\{\{\s*' + BASE_KEY + r'\.' + base_var + r'\s*\}\}' config_file = re.sub(regexp, f'"{randstr}"', config_file) with open(temp_config_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as tmp_config_file: tmp_config_file.write(config_file) return base_var_dict @staticmethod def _substitute_base_vars(cfg: Any, base_var_dict: dict, base_cfg: dict) -> Any: """Substitute base variables from strings to their actual values. Args: Any : Config dictionary. base_var_dict (dict): A dictionary contains variables in base config. base_cfg (dict): Base config dictionary. Returns: Any : A dictionary with origin base variables substituted with actual values. """ cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg) if isinstance(cfg, dict): for k, v in cfg.items(): if isinstance(v, str) and v in base_var_dict: new_v = base_cfg for new_k in base_var_dict[v].split('.'): new_v = new_v[new_k] cfg[k] = new_v elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple, dict)): cfg[k] = Config._substitute_base_vars( v, base_var_dict, base_cfg) elif isinstance(cfg, tuple): cfg = tuple( Config._substitute_base_vars(c, base_var_dict, base_cfg) for c in cfg) elif isinstance(cfg, list): cfg = [ Config._substitute_base_vars(c, base_var_dict, base_cfg) for c in cfg ] elif isinstance(cfg, str) and cfg in base_var_dict: new_v = base_cfg for new_k in base_var_dict[cfg].split('.'): new_v = new_v[new_k] cfg = new_v return cfg @staticmethod def _file2dict( filename: str, use_predefined_variables: bool = True, use_environment_variables: bool = True) -> Tuple[dict, str, dict]: """Transform file to variables dictionary. Args: filename (str): Name of config file. use_predefined_variables (bool, optional): Whether to use predefined variables. Defaults to True. Returns: Tuple[dict, str]: Variables dictionary and text of Config. """ filename = osp.abspath(osp.expanduser(filename)) check_file_exist(filename) fileExtname = osp.splitext(filename)[1] if fileExtname not in ['.py', '.json', '.yaml', '.yml']: raise OSError('Only py/yml/yaml/json type are supported now!') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_config_dir: temp_config_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=temp_config_dir, suffix=fileExtname) if platform.system() == 'Windows': temp_config_file.close() # Substitute predefined variables if use_predefined_variables: Config._substitute_predefined_vars(filename, else: shutil.copyfile(filename, # Substitute environment variables env_variables = dict() if use_environment_variables: env_variables = Config._substitute_env_variables(, # Substitute base variables from placeholders to strings base_var_dict = Config._pre_substitute_base_vars(, # Handle base files base_cfg_dict = ConfigDict() cfg_text_list = list() for base_cfg_path in Config._get_base_files( base_cfg_path, scope = Config._get_cfg_path( base_cfg_path, filename) _cfg_dict, _cfg_text, _env_variables = Config._file2dict( filename=base_cfg_path, use_predefined_variables=use_predefined_variables, use_environment_variables=use_environment_variables) cfg_text_list.append(_cfg_text) env_variables.update(_env_variables) duplicate_keys = base_cfg_dict.keys() & _cfg_dict.keys() if len(duplicate_keys) > 0: raise KeyError('Duplicate key is not allowed among bases. ' f'Duplicate keys: {duplicate_keys}') # _dict_to_config_dict will do the following things: # 1. Recursively converts ``dict`` to :obj:`ConfigDict`. # 2. Set `_scope_` for the outer dict variable for the base # config. # 3. Set `scope` attribute for each base variable. Different # from `_scope_`, `scope` is not a key of base dict, # `scope` attribute will be parsed to key `_scope_` by # function `_parse_scope` only if the base variable is # accessed by the current config. _cfg_dict = Config._dict_to_config_dict(_cfg_dict, scope) base_cfg_dict.update(_cfg_dict) if filename.endswith('.py'): with open(, encoding='utf-8') as f: codes = ast.parse( codes = RemoveAssignFromAST(BASE_KEY).visit(codes) codeobj = compile(codes, '', mode='exec') # Support load global variable in nested function of the # config. global_locals_var = {'_base_': base_cfg_dict} ori_keys = set(global_locals_var.keys()) eval(codeobj, global_locals_var, global_locals_var) cfg_dict = { key: value for key, value in global_locals_var.items() if (key not in ori_keys and not key.startswith('__')) } elif filename.endswith(('.yml', '.yaml', '.json')): cfg_dict = load( # close temp file for key, value in list(cfg_dict.items()): if isinstance(value, (types.FunctionType, types.ModuleType)): cfg_dict.pop(key) temp_config_file.close() # If the current config accesses a base variable of base # configs, The ``scope`` attribute of corresponding variable # will be converted to the `_scope_`. Config._parse_scope(cfg_dict) # check deprecation information if DEPRECATION_KEY in cfg_dict: deprecation_info = cfg_dict.pop(DEPRECATION_KEY) warning_msg = f'The config file {filename} will be deprecated ' \ 'in the future.' if 'expected' in deprecation_info: warning_msg += f' Please use {deprecation_info["expected"]} ' \ 'instead.' if 'reference' in deprecation_info: warning_msg += ' More information can be found at ' \ f'{deprecation_info["reference"]}' warnings.warn(warning_msg, DeprecationWarning) cfg_text = filename + '\n' with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: # Setting encoding explicitly to resolve coding issue on windows cfg_text += # Substitute base variables from strings to their actual values cfg_dict = Config._substitute_base_vars(cfg_dict, base_var_dict, base_cfg_dict) cfg_dict.pop(BASE_KEY, None) cfg_dict = Config._merge_a_into_b(cfg_dict, base_cfg_dict) cfg_dict = { k: v for k, v in cfg_dict.items() if not k.startswith('__') } # merge cfg_text cfg_text_list.append(cfg_text) cfg_text = '\n'.join(cfg_text_list) return cfg_dict, cfg_text, env_variables @staticmethod def _dict_to_config_dict(cfg: dict, scope: Optional[str] = None, has_scope=True): """Recursively converts ``dict`` to :obj:`ConfigDict`. Args: cfg (dict): Config dict. scope (str, optional): Scope of instance. has_scope (bool): Whether to add `_scope_` key to config dict. Returns: ConfigDict: Converted dict. """ # Only the outer dict with key `type` should have the key `_scope_`. if isinstance(cfg, dict): if has_scope and 'type' in cfg: has_scope = False if scope is not None and cfg.get('_scope_', None) is None: cfg._scope_ = scope # type: ignore cfg = ConfigDict(cfg) dict.__setattr__(cfg, 'scope', scope) for key, value in cfg.items(): cfg[key] = Config._dict_to_config_dict( value, scope=scope, has_scope=has_scope) elif isinstance(cfg, tuple): cfg = tuple( Config._dict_to_config_dict(_cfg, scope, has_scope=has_scope) for _cfg in cfg) elif isinstance(cfg, list): cfg = [ Config._dict_to_config_dict(_cfg, scope, has_scope=has_scope) for _cfg in cfg ] return cfg @staticmethod def _parse_scope(cfg: dict) -> None: """Adds ``_scope_`` to :obj:`ConfigDict` instance, which means a base variable. If the config dict already has the scope, scope will not be overwritten. Args: cfg (dict): Config needs to be parsed with scope. """ if isinstance(cfg, ConfigDict): cfg._scope_ = cfg.scope elif isinstance(cfg, (tuple, list)): [Config._parse_scope(value) for value in cfg] else: return @staticmethod def _get_base_files(filename: str) -> list: """Get the base config file. Args: filename (str): The config file. Raises: TypeError: Name of config file. Returns: list: A list of base config. """ file_format = osp.splitext(filename)[1] if file_format == '.py': Config._validate_py_syntax(filename) with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: codes = ast.parse( def is_base_line(c): return (isinstance(c, ast.Assign) and isinstance(c.targets[0], ast.Name) and c.targets[0].id == BASE_KEY) base_code = next((c for c in codes if is_base_line(c)), None) if base_code is not None: base_code = ast.Expression( # type: ignore body=base_code.value) # type: ignore base_files = eval(compile(base_code, '', mode='eval')) else: base_files = [] elif file_format in ('.yml', '.yaml', '.json'): import mmengine cfg_dict = mmengine.load(filename) base_files = cfg_dict.get(BASE_KEY, []) else: raise TypeError('The config type should be py, json, yaml or ' f'yml, but got {file_format}') base_files = base_files if isinstance(base_files, list) else [base_files] return base_files @staticmethod def _get_cfg_path(cfg_path: str, filename: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]: """Get the config path from the current or external package. Args: cfg_path (str): Relative path of config. filename (str): The config file being parsed. Returns: Tuple[str, str or None]: Path and scope of config. If the config is not an external config, the scope will be `None`. """ if '::' in cfg_path: # `cfg_path` startswith '::' means an external config path. # Get package name and relative config path. scope = cfg_path.partition('::')[0] package, cfg_path = _get_package_and_cfg_path(cfg_path) if not is_installed(package): raise ModuleNotFoundError( f'{package} is not installed, please install {package} ' f'manually') # Get installed package path. package_path = get_installed_path(package) try: # Get config path from meta file. cfg_path = _get_external_cfg_path(package_path, cfg_path) except ValueError: # Since base config does not have a metafile, it should be # concatenated with package path and relative config path. cfg_path = _get_external_cfg_base_path(package_path, cfg_path) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise e return cfg_path, scope else: # Get local config path. cfg_dir = osp.dirname(filename) cfg_path = osp.join(cfg_dir, cfg_path) return cfg_path, None @staticmethod def _merge_a_into_b(a: dict, b: dict, allow_list_keys: bool = False) -> dict: """merge dict ``a`` into dict ``b`` (non-inplace). Values in ``a`` will overwrite ``b``. ``b`` is copied first to avoid in-place modifications. Args: a (dict): The source dict to be merged into ``b``. b (dict): The origin dict to be fetch keys from ``a``. allow_list_keys (bool): If True, int string keys (e.g. '0', '1') are allowed in source ``a`` and will replace the element of the corresponding index in b if b is a list. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: The modified dict of ``b`` using ``a``. Examples: # Normally merge a into b. >>> Config._merge_a_into_b( ... dict(obj=dict(a=2)), dict(obj=dict(a=1))) {'obj': {'a': 2}} # Delete b first and merge a into b. >>> Config._merge_a_into_b( ... dict(obj=dict(_delete_=True, a=2)), dict(obj=dict(a=1))) {'obj': {'a': 2}} # b is a list >>> Config._merge_a_into_b( ... {'0': dict(a=2)}, [dict(a=1), dict(b=2)], True) [{'a': 2}, {'b': 2}] """ b = b.copy() for k, v in a.items(): if allow_list_keys and k.isdigit() and isinstance(b, list): k = int(k) if len(b) <= k: raise KeyError(f'Index {k} exceeds the length of list {b}') b[k] = Config._merge_a_into_b(v, b[k], allow_list_keys) elif isinstance(v, dict): if k in b and not v.pop(DELETE_KEY, False): allowed_types: Union[Tuple, type] = ( dict, list) if allow_list_keys else dict if not isinstance(b[k], allowed_types): raise TypeError( f'{k}={v} in child config cannot inherit from ' f'base because {k} is a dict in the child config ' f'but is of type {type(b[k])} in base config. ' f'You may set `{DELETE_KEY}=True` to ignore the ' f'base config.') b[k] = Config._merge_a_into_b(v, b[k], allow_list_keys) else: b[k] = ConfigDict(v) else: b[k] = v return b
[文档] @staticmethod def auto_argparser(description=None): """Generate argparser from config file automatically (experimental)""" partial_parser = ArgumentParser(description=description) partial_parser.add_argument('config', help='config file path') cfg_file = partial_parser.parse_known_args()[0].config cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg_file) parser = ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('config', help='config file path') add_args(parser, cfg) return parser, cfg
@property def filename(self) -> str: """get file name of config.""" return self._filename @property def text(self) -> str: """get config text.""" return self._text @property def env_variables(self) -> dict: """get used environment variables.""" return self._env_variables @property def pretty_text(self) -> str: """get formatted python config text.""" indent = 4 def _indent(s_, num_spaces): s = s_.split('\n') if len(s) == 1: return s_ first = s.pop(0) s = [(num_spaces * ' ') + line for line in s] s = '\n'.join(s) s = first + '\n' + s return s def _format_basic_types(k, v, use_mapping=False): if isinstance(v, str): v_str = repr(v) else: v_str = str(v) if use_mapping: k_str = f"'{k}'" if isinstance(k, str) else str(k) attr_str = f'{k_str}: {v_str}' else: attr_str = f'{str(k)}={v_str}' attr_str = _indent(attr_str, indent) return attr_str def _format_list(k, v, use_mapping=False): # check if all items in the list are dict if all(isinstance(_, dict) for _ in v): v_str = '[\n' v_str += '\n'.join( f'dict({_indent(_format_dict(v_), indent)}),' for v_ in v).rstrip(',') if use_mapping: k_str = f"'{k}'" if isinstance(k, str) else str(k) attr_str = f'{k_str}: {v_str}' else: attr_str = f'{str(k)}={v_str}' attr_str = _indent(attr_str, indent) + ']' else: attr_str = _format_basic_types(k, v, use_mapping) return attr_str def _contain_invalid_identifier(dict_str): contain_invalid_identifier = False for key_name in dict_str: contain_invalid_identifier |= \ (not str(key_name).isidentifier()) return contain_invalid_identifier def _format_dict(input_dict, outest_level=False): r = '' s = [] use_mapping = _contain_invalid_identifier(input_dict) if use_mapping: r += '{' for idx, (k, v) in enumerate(input_dict.items()): is_last = idx >= len(input_dict) - 1 end = '' if outest_level or is_last else ',' if isinstance(v, dict): v_str = '\n' + _format_dict(v) if use_mapping: k_str = f"'{k}'" if isinstance(k, str) else str(k) attr_str = f'{k_str}: dict({v_str}' else: attr_str = f'{str(k)}=dict({v_str}' attr_str = _indent(attr_str, indent) + ')' + end elif isinstance(v, list): attr_str = _format_list(k, v, use_mapping) + end else: attr_str = _format_basic_types(k, v, use_mapping) + end s.append(attr_str) r += '\n'.join(s) if use_mapping: r += '}' return r cfg_dict = self._cfg_dict.to_dict() text = _format_dict(cfg_dict, outest_level=True) # copied from setup.cfg yapf_style = dict( based_on_style='pep8', blank_line_before_nested_class_or_def=True, split_before_expression_after_opening_paren=True) text, _ = FormatCode(text, style_config=yapf_style, verify=True) return text def __repr__(self): return f'Config (path: {self.filename}): {self._cfg_dict.__repr__()}' def __len__(self): return len(self._cfg_dict) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: return getattr(self._cfg_dict, name) def __getitem__(self, name): return self._cfg_dict.__getitem__(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if isinstance(value, dict): value = ConfigDict(value) self._cfg_dict.__setattr__(name, value) def __setitem__(self, name, value): if isinstance(value, dict): value = ConfigDict(value) self._cfg_dict.__setitem__(name, value) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._cfg_dict) def __getstate__(self) -> Tuple[dict, Optional[str], Optional[str], dict]: return (self._cfg_dict, self._filename, self._text, self._env_variables) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ other = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = other for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): super(Config, other).__setattr__(key, copy.deepcopy(value, memo)) return other def __copy__(self): cls = self.__class__ other = cls.__new__(cls) other.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return other def __setstate__(self, state: Tuple[dict, Optional[str], Optional[str], dict]): _cfg_dict, _filename, _text, _env_variables = state super().__setattr__('_cfg_dict', _cfg_dict) super().__setattr__('_filename', _filename) super().__setattr__('_text', _text) super().__setattr__('_text', _env_variables)
[文档] def dump(self, file: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None): """Dump config to file or return config text. Args: file (str or Path, optional): If not specified, then the object is dumped to a str, otherwise to a file specified by the filename. Defaults to None. Returns: str or None: Config text. """ file = str(file) if isinstance(file, Path) else file cfg_dict = super().__getattribute__('_cfg_dict').to_dict() if file is None: if self.filename is None or self.filename.endswith('.py'): return self.pretty_text else: file_format = self.filename.split('.')[-1] return dump(cfg_dict, file_format=file_format) elif file.endswith('.py'): with open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(self.pretty_text) else: file_format = file.split('.')[-1] return dump(cfg_dict, file=file, file_format=file_format)
[文档] def merge_from_dict(self, options: dict, allow_list_keys: bool = True) -> None: """Merge list into cfg_dict. Merge the dict parsed by MultipleKVAction into this cfg. Args: options (dict): dict of configs to merge from. allow_list_keys (bool): If True, int string keys (e.g. '0', '1') are allowed in ``options`` and will replace the element of the corresponding index in the config if the config is a list. Defaults to True. Examples: >>> from mmengine import Config >>> # Merge dictionary element >>> options = {'model.backbone.depth': 50, 'model.backbone.with_cp': True} >>> cfg = Config(dict(model=dict(backbone=dict(type='ResNet')))) >>> cfg.merge_from_dict(options) >>> cfg._cfg_dict {'model': {'backbone': {'type': 'ResNet', 'depth': 50, 'with_cp': True}}} >>> # Merge list element >>> cfg = Config( >>> dict(pipeline=[dict(type='LoadImage'), >>> dict(type='LoadAnnotations')])) >>> options = dict(pipeline={'0': dict(type='SelfLoadImage')}) >>> cfg.merge_from_dict(options, allow_list_keys=True) >>> cfg._cfg_dict {'pipeline': [{'type': 'SelfLoadImage'}, {'type': 'LoadAnnotations'}]} """ # noqa: E501 option_cfg_dict: dict = {} for full_key, v in options.items(): d = option_cfg_dict key_list = full_key.split('.') for subkey in key_list[:-1]: d.setdefault(subkey, ConfigDict()) d = d[subkey] subkey = key_list[-1] d[subkey] = v cfg_dict = super().__getattribute__('_cfg_dict') super().__setattr__( '_cfg_dict', Config._merge_a_into_b( option_cfg_dict, cfg_dict, allow_list_keys=allow_list_keys))
[文档]class DictAction(Action): """ argparse action to split an argument into KEY=VALUE form on the first = and append to a dictionary. List options can be passed as comma separated values, i.e 'KEY=V1,V2,V3', or with explicit brackets, i.e. 'KEY=[V1,V2,V3]'. It also support nested brackets to build list/tuple values. e.g. 'KEY=[(V1,V2),(V3,V4)]' """ @staticmethod def _parse_int_float_bool(val: str) -> Union[int, float, bool, Any]: """parse int/float/bool value in the string.""" try: return int(val) except ValueError: pass try: return float(val) except ValueError: pass if val.lower() in ['true', 'false']: return True if val.lower() == 'true' else False if val == 'None': return None return val @staticmethod def _parse_iterable(val: str) -> Union[list, tuple, Any]: """Parse iterable values in the string. All elements inside '()' or '[]' are treated as iterable values. Args: val (str): Value string. Returns: list | tuple | Any: The expanded list or tuple from the string, or single value if no iterable values are found. Examples: >>> DictAction._parse_iterable('1,2,3') [1, 2, 3] >>> DictAction._parse_iterable('[a, b, c]') ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> DictAction._parse_iterable('[(1, 2, 3), [a, b], c]') [(1, 2, 3), ['a', 'b'], 'c'] """ def find_next_comma(string): """Find the position of next comma in the string. If no ',' is found in the string, return the string length. All chars inside '()' and '[]' are treated as one element and thus ',' inside these brackets are ignored. """ assert (string.count('(') == string.count(')')) and ( string.count('[') == string.count(']')), \ f'Imbalanced brackets exist in {string}' end = len(string) for idx, char in enumerate(string): pre = string[:idx] # The string before this ',' is balanced if ((char == ',') and (pre.count('(') == pre.count(')')) and (pre.count('[') == pre.count(']'))): end = idx break return end # Strip ' and " characters and replace whitespace. val = val.strip('\'\"').replace(' ', '') is_tuple = False if val.startswith('(') and val.endswith(')'): is_tuple = True val = val[1:-1] elif val.startswith('[') and val.endswith(']'): val = val[1:-1] elif ',' not in val: # val is a single value return DictAction._parse_int_float_bool(val) values = [] while len(val) > 0: comma_idx = find_next_comma(val) element = DictAction._parse_iterable(val[:comma_idx]) values.append(element) val = val[comma_idx + 1:] if is_tuple: return tuple(values) return values def __call__(self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: str = None): """Parse Variables in string and add them into argparser. Args: parser (ArgumentParser): Argument parser. namespace (Namespace): Argument namespace. values (Union[str, Sequence[Any], None]): Argument string. option_string (list[str], optional): Option string. Defaults to None. """ # Copied behavior from `argparse._ExtendAction`. options = copy.copy(getattr(namespace, self.dest, None) or {}) if values is not None: for kv in values: key, val = kv.split('=', maxsplit=1) options[key] = self._parse_iterable(val) setattr(namespace, self.dest, options)

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