- class mmengine.runner.FlexibleRunner(model, *, work_dir='work_dirs', experiment_name=None, train_dataloader=None, optim_wrapper=None, param_scheduler=None, train_cfg=None, val_dataloader=None, val_evaluator=None, val_cfg=None, test_dataloader=None, test_evaluator=None, test_cfg=None, strategy=None, auto_scale_lr=None, default_hooks=None, custom_hooks=None, data_preprocessor=None, load_from=None, resume=False, launcher=None, env_cfg={'dist_cfg': {'backend': 'nccl'}}, log_processor=None, log_level='INFO', visualizer=None, default_scope='mmengine', randomness={'seed': None}, compile=False, cfg=None)[源代码]¶
A training helper for PyTorch.
Runner object can be built from config by
runner = Runner.from_cfg(cfg)
where thecfg
usually contains training, validation, and test-related configurations to build corresponding components. We usually use the same config to launch training, testing, and validation tasks. However, only some of these components are necessary at the same time, e.g., testing a model does not need training or validation-related components.To avoid repeatedly modifying config, the construction of
adopts lazy initialization to only initialize components when they are going to be used. Therefore, the model is always initialized at the beginning, and training, validation, and, testing related components are only initialized when callingrunner.train()
, andrunner.test()
, respectively.警告
This is an experimental feature, and its interface is subject to change.
- 参数:
model (
or dict) – The model to be run. It can be a dict used for build a model.work_dir (str) –
experiment_name (str | None) –
train_dataloader (DataLoader | Dict | None) –
optim_wrapper (OptimWrapper | Dict | None) –
param_scheduler (_ParamScheduler | Dict | List | None) –
train_cfg (Dict | None) –
val_dataloader (DataLoader | Dict | None) –
val_cfg (Dict | None) –
test_dataloader (DataLoader | Dict | None) –
test_cfg (Dict | None) –
strategy (BaseStrategy | Dict | None) –
auto_scale_lr (Dict | None) –
load_from (str | None) –
launcher (str | None) –
env_cfg (Dict) –
log_processor (Dict | None) –
log_level (str) –
visualizer (Visualizer | Dict | None) –
default_scope (str | None) –
randomness (Dict) –
cfg (Config) –
- Kwargs:
- work_dir (str, optional): The working directory to save checkpoints.
The logs will be saved in the subdirectory of work_dir named
. Defaults to ‘work_dir’.- experiment_name (str, optional): Name of current experiment. If not
specified, timestamp will be used as
. Defaults to None.- train_dataloader (Dataloader or dict, optional): A dataloader object or
a dict to build a dataloader. If
is given, it means skipping training steps. Defaults to None. Seebuild_dataloader()
for more details.- optim_wrapper (OptimWrapper or dict, optional):
Computing gradient of model parameters. If specified,
should also be specified. If automatic mixed precision or gradient accmulation training is required. The type ofoptim_wrapper
should be AmpOptimizerWrapper. Seebuild_optim_wrapper()
for examples. Defaults to None.- param_scheduler (_ParamScheduler or dict or list, optional):
Parameter scheduler for updating optimizer parameters. If specified,
should also be specified. Defaults to None. Seebuild_param_scheduler()
for examples.- train_cfg (dict, optional): A dict to build a training loop. If it does
not provide “type” key, it should contain “by_epoch” to decide which type of training loop
should be used. Iftrain_cfg
should also be specified. Defaults to None. Seebuild_train_loop()
for more details.- val_dataloader (Dataloader or dict, optional): A dataloader object or
a dict to build a dataloader. If
is given, it means skipping validation steps. Defaults to None. Seebuild_dataloader()
for more details.- val_evaluator (Evaluator or dict or list, optional): A evaluator object
used for computing metrics for validation. It can be a dict or a list of dict to build a evaluator. If specified,
should also be specified. Defaults to None.- val_cfg (dict, optional): A dict to build a validation loop. If it does
not provide “type” key,
will be used by default. Ifval_cfg
should also be specified. IfValLoop
is built with fp16=True`,runner.val()
will be performed under fp16 precision.- test_dataloader (Dataloader or dict, optional): A dataloader object or
a dict to build a dataloader. If
is given, it means skipping test steps. Defaults to None. Seebuild_dataloader()
for more details. Defaults to None. Seebuild_val_loop()
for more details.- test_evaluator (Evaluator or dict or list, optional): A evaluator
object used for computing metrics for test steps. It can be a dict or a list of dict to build a evaluator. If specified,
should also be specified. Defaults to None.- test_cfg (dict, optional): A dict to build a test loop. If it does
not provide “type” key,
will be used by default. Iftest_cfg
should also be specified. IfValLoop
is built with fp16=True`,runner.val()
will be performed under fp16 precision. Defaults to None. Seebuild_test_loop()
for more details.- strategy (BaseStrategy or dict, optional): A strategy object or a dict
to build a strategy. Defaults to None. If not specified, the strategy will be inferred automatically.
- auto_scale_lr (dict, Optional): Config to scale the learning rate
automatically. It includes
is the batch size that the optimizer lr is based on.enable
is the switch to turn on and off the feature.- default_hooks (dict[str, dict] or dict[str, Hook], optional): Hooks to
execute default actions like updating model parameters and saving checkpoints. Default hooks are
. Defaults to None. Seeregister_default_hooks()
for more details.- custom_hooks (list[dict] or list[Hook], optional): Hooks to execute
custom actions like visualizing images processed by pipeline. Defaults to None.
- data_preprocessor (dict, optional): The pre-process config of
. If themodel
argument is a dict and doesn’t contain the keydata_preprocessor
, set the argument as thedata_preprocessor
of themodel
dict. Defaults to None.- load_from (str, optional): The checkpoint file to load from.
Defaults to None.
- resume (bool): Whether to resume training. Defaults to False. If
is True andload_from
is None, automatically to find latest checkpoint fromwork_dir
. If not found, resuming does nothing.- launcher (str, optional): Way to launcher multi-process. Supported
launchers are ‘pytorch’, ‘mpi’, ‘slurm’ and ‘none’. If ‘none’ is provided, non-distributed environment will be launched. If launcher is None, the launcher will be inferred according some specified environments. Defaults to None.
- env_cfg (dict): A dict used for setting environment. Defaults to
- log_processor (dict, optional): A processor to format logs. Defaults to
- log_level (int or str): The log level of MMLogger handlers.
Defaults to ‘INFO’.
- visualizer (Visualizer or dict, optional): A Visualizer object or a
dict build Visualizer object. Defaults to None. If not specified, default config will be used.
- default_scope (str): Used to reset registries location.
Defaults to “mmengine”.
- randomness (dict): Some settings to make the experiment as reproducible
as possible like seed and deterministic. Defaults to
. If seed is None, a random number will be generated and it will be broadcasted to all other processes if in distributed environment. Ifcudnn_benchmark
, the value oftorch.backends.cudnn.benchmark
will beFalse
finally.- compile (bool or dict, optional): Whether to enable
. Defaults to False.
- cfg (dict or Configdict or
, optional): Full config. Defaults to None.
Since PyTorch 2.0.0, you can enable
by passing in compile = True. If you want to control compile options, you can pass a dict, e.g.cfg.compile = dict(backend='eager')
. Refer to PyTorch API Documentation for more valid options.示例
>>> from mmengine.runner import Runner >>> cfg = dict( >>> model=dict(type='ToyModel'), >>> work_dir='path/of/work_dir', >>> train_dataloader=dict( >>> dataset=dict(type='ToyDataset'), >>> sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True), >>> batch_size=1, >>> num_workers=0), >>> val_dataloader=dict( >>> dataset=dict(type='ToyDataset'), >>> sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), >>> batch_size=1, >>> num_workers=0), >>> test_dataloader=dict( >>> dataset=dict(type='ToyDataset'), >>> sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), >>> batch_size=1, >>> num_workers=0), >>> auto_scale_lr=dict(base_batch_size=16, enable=False), >>> optim_wrapper=dict(type='OptimizerWrapper', optimizer=dict( >>> type='SGD', lr=0.01)), >>> param_scheduler=dict(type='MultiStepLR', milestones=[1, 2]), >>> val_evaluator=dict(type='ToyEvaluator'), >>> test_evaluator=dict(type='ToyEvaluator'), >>> train_cfg=dict(by_epoch=True, max_epochs=3, val_interval=1), >>> val_cfg=dict(), >>> test_cfg=dict(), >>> custom_hooks=[], >>> default_hooks=dict( >>> timer=dict(type='IterTimerHook'), >>> checkpoint=dict(type='CheckpointHook', interval=1), >>> logger=dict(type='LoggerHook'), >>> optimizer=dict(type='OptimizerHook', grad_clip=False), >>> param_scheduler=dict(type='ParamSchedulerHook')), >>> launcher='none', >>> env_cfg=dict(dist_cfg=dict(backend='nccl')), >>> log_processor=dict(window_size=20), >>> visualizer=dict(type='Visualizer', >>> vis_backends=[dict(type='LocalVisBackend', >>> save_dir='temp_dir')]) >>> ) >>> runner = Runner.from_cfg(cfg) >>> runner.train() >>> runner.test()
- static build_dataloader(dataloader, seed=None, diff_rank_seed=False)[源代码]¶
Build dataloader.
The method builds three components:
An example of
:dataloader = dict( dataset=dict(type='ToyDataset'), sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True), batch_size=1, num_workers=9 )
- 参数:
dataloader (DataLoader or dict) – A Dataloader object or a dict to build Dataloader object. If
is a Dataloader object, just returns itself.seed (int, optional) – Random seed. Defaults to None.
diff_rank_seed (bool) – Whether or not set different seeds to different ranks. If True, the seed passed to sampler is set to None, in order to synchronize the seeds used in samplers across different ranks. Defaults to False.
- 返回:
DataLoader build from
.- 返回类型:
- build_evaluator(evaluator)[源代码]¶
Build evaluator.
Examples of
:# evaluator could be a built Evaluator instance evaluator = Evaluator(metrics=[ToyMetric()]) # evaluator can also be a list of dict evaluator = [ dict(type='ToyMetric1'), dict(type='ToyEvaluator2') ] # evaluator can also be a list of built metric evaluator = [ToyMetric1(), ToyMetric2()] # evaluator can also be a dict with key metrics evaluator = dict(metrics=ToyMetric()) # metric is a list evaluator = dict(metrics=[ToyMetric()])
- build_log_processor(log_processor)[源代码]¶
Build test log_processor.
Examples of
:# LogProcessor will be used log_processor = dict()
# custom log_processor log_processor = dict(type=’CustomLogProcessor’)
- 参数:
log_processor (LogProcessor or dict) – A log processor or a dict
processor (to build log processor. If log_processor is a log) –
object –
itself. (just returns) –
- 返回:
Log processor object build from
.- 返回类型:
- build_message_hub(message_hub=None)[源代码]¶
Build a global asscessable MessageHub.
- 参数:
message_hub (dict, optional) – A dict to build MessageHub object. If not specified, default config will be used to build MessageHub object. Defaults to None.
- 返回:
A MessageHub object build from
.- 返回类型:
- build_strategy(strategy=None, launcher='none', randomness=None, env_cfg={'dist_cfg': {'backend': 'nccl'}}, experiment_name=None, log_level=None)[源代码]¶
Build a strategy.
- 参数:
- 返回:
A strategy object.
- 返回类型:
- build_test_loop(loop)[源代码]¶
Build test loop.
Examples of
:# `TestLoop` will be used loop = dict() # custom test loop loop = dict(type='CustomTestLoop')
- build_train_loop(loop)[源代码]¶
Build training loop.
Examples of
:# `EpochBasedTrainLoop` will be used loop = dict(by_epoch=True, max_epochs=3) # `IterBasedTrainLoop` will be used loop = dict(by_epoch=False, max_epochs=3) # custom training loop loop = dict(type='CustomTrainLoop', max_epochs=3)
- build_val_loop(loop)[源代码]¶
Build validation loop.
Examples of
:# ValLoop will be used loop = dict()
# custom validation loop loop = dict(type=’CustomValLoop’)
- build_visualizer(visualizer=None)[源代码]¶
Build a global asscessable Visualizer.
- 参数:
visualizer (Visualizer or dict, optional) – A Visualizer object or a dict to build Visualizer object. If
is a Visualizer object, just returns itself. If not specified, default config will be used to build Visualizer object. Defaults to None.- 返回:
A Visualizer object build from
.- 返回类型:
- call_hook(fn_name, **kwargs)[源代码]¶
Call all hooks.
- 参数:
fn_name (str) – The function name in each hook to be called, such as “before_train_epoch”.
**kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to hook.
- 返回类型:
- classmethod from_cfg(cfg)[源代码]¶
Build a runner from config.
- 参数:
cfg (ConfigType) – A config used for building runner. Keys of
can see__init__()
.- 返回:
A runner build from
.- 返回类型:
- property hooks¶
A list of registered hooks.
- Type:
- load_checkpoint(filename, map_location='cpu', strict=False, revise_keys=[('^module.', '')])[源代码]¶
Load checkpoint from given
.- 参数:
filename (str) – Accept local filepath, URL,
.map_location (str or callable) – A string or a callable function to specifying how to remap storage locations. Defaults to ‘cpu’.
strict (bool) – strict (bool): Whether to allow different params for the model and checkpoint.
revise_keys (list) – A list of customized keywords to modify the state_dict in checkpoint. Each item is a (pattern, replacement) pair of the regular expression operations. Defaults to strip the prefix ‘module.’ by [(r’^module.’, ‘’)].
- register_default_hooks(hooks=None)[源代码]¶
Register default hooks into hook list.
will be registered into runner to execute some default actions like updating model parameters or saving checkpoints.Default hooks and their priorities:
LOW (70)
is None, above hooks will be registered by default:default_hooks = dict( runtime_info=dict(type='RuntimeInfoHook'), timer=dict(type='IterTimerHook'), sampler_seed=dict(type='DistSamplerSeedHook'), logger=dict(type='LoggerHook'), param_scheduler=dict(type='ParamSchedulerHook'), checkpoint=dict(type='CheckpointHook', interval=1), )
If not None,
will be merged intodefault_hooks
. If there are None value in default_hooks, the corresponding item will be popped fromdefault_hooks
:hooks = dict(timer=None)
The final registered default hooks will be
- register_hook(hook, priority=None)[源代码]¶
Register a hook into the hook list.
The hook will be inserted into a priority queue, with the specified priority (See
for details of priorities). For hooks with the same priority, they will be triggered in the same order as they are registered.Priority of hook will be decided with the following priority:
argument. Ifpriority
is given, it will be priority of hook.If
argument is a dict andpriority
in it, the priority will be the value ofhook['priority']
argument is a dict butpriority
not in it orhook
is an instance ofhook
, the priority will behook.priority
- 参数:
hook (
or dict) – The hook to be registered.priority (int or str or
, optional) – Hook priority. Lower value means higher priority.
- 返回类型:
- register_hooks(default_hooks=None, custom_hooks=None)[源代码]¶
Register default hooks and custom hooks into hook list.
- 参数:
default_hooks (dict[str, dict] or dict[str, Hook], optional) – Hooks to execute default actions like updating model parameters and saving checkpoints. Defaults to None.
custom_hooks (list[dict] or list[Hook], optional) – Hooks to execute custom actions like visualizing images processed by pipeline. Defaults to None.
- 返回类型:
- resume(filename, resume_optimizer=True, resume_param_scheduler=True, map_location='default')[源代码]¶
Resume model from checkpoint.
- 参数:
filename (str) – Accept local filepath, URL,
.resume_optimizer (bool) – Whether to resume optimizer state. Defaults to True.
resume_param_scheduler (bool) – Whether to resume param scheduler state. Defaults to True.
map_location (str or callable) – A string or a callable function to specifying how to remap storage locations. Defaults to ‘default’.
- 返回类型:
- save_checkpoint(out_dir, filename, file_client_args=None, save_optimizer=True, save_param_scheduler=True, meta=None, by_epoch=True, backend_args=None)[源代码]¶
Save checkpoints.
invokes this method to save checkpoints periodically.- 参数:
out_dir (str) – The directory that checkpoints are saved.
filename (str) – The checkpoint filename.
file_client_args (dict, optional) – Arguments to instantiate a FileClient. See
for details. Defaults to None. It will be deprecated in future. Please use backend_args instead.save_optimizer (bool) – Whether to save the optimizer to the checkpoint. Defaults to True.
save_param_scheduler (bool) – Whether to save the param_scheduler to the checkpoint. Defaults to True.
meta (dict, optional) – The meta information to be saved in the checkpoint. Defaults to None.
by_epoch (bool) – Whether the scheduled momentum is updated by epochs. Defaults to True.
backend_args (dict, optional) – Arguments to instantiate the prefix of uri corresponding backend. Defaults to None.
- property test_dataloader¶
The data loader for testing.
- property test_evaluator¶
An evaluator for testing.
- Type:
- property train_dataloader¶
The data loader for training.
- property val_dataloader¶
The data loader for validation.
- property val_evaluator¶
An evaluator for validation.
- Type: