
mmengine._strategy.fsdp 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import inspect
import os
import os.path as osp
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import torch.nn as nn
from torch.distributed.fsdp import (FullStateDictConfig,
                                    LocalStateDictConfig, StateDictType)
from torch.distributed.fsdp.fully_sharded_data_parallel import (
    FullOptimStateDictConfig, LocalOptimStateDictConfig, OptimStateDictConfig,
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import LRScheduler

import mmengine
from mmengine.config import Config, ConfigDict
from mmengine.device import get_device
from mmengine.dist import get_rank, is_main_process
from mmengine.model import BaseDataPreprocessor, is_model_wrapper
from mmengine.optim import (AmpOptimWrapper, BaseOptimWrapper, OptimWrapper,
                            OptimWrapperDict, _ParamScheduler,
from mmengine.registry import (FUNCTIONS, MODEL_WRAPPERS, OPTIM_WRAPPERS,
                               PARAM_SCHEDULERS, STRATEGIES, Registry)
from mmengine.utils import get_git_hash, mkdir_or_exist
from .distributed import DDPStrategy
from .utils import MetaTensorContext

FSDP = FullyShardedDataParallel
FSDP_CONFIGS = Registry('fsdp configs')

[文档]@STRATEGIES.register_module() class FSDPStrategy(DDPStrategy): """Support training model with FullyShardedDataParallel (FSDP). Keyword Args: model_wrapper (dict, optional): Config dict for model wrapper. The default configuration is: Examples: >>> model_wrapper = dict( >>> type='MMFullyShardedDataParallel', >>> use_orig_params=True, >>> ) See more configurable arguments in :class:`MMFullyShardedDataParallel`. Defaults to None skip_init_weights (bool, optional): Whether to skip initialization of weights. Defaults to False. This is useful when the parameters of the large model are loaded from a checkpoint, since skipping the initialization of weights can save a lot of time. state_dict_cfg (str or dict): Configuration for how to save and load the state dict of the model, optimizer, and scheduler. - "local": save and load the sharded state dict in all ranks. - "full": save and load the full state dict in rank 0. - `dict` object: save and load the state dict more flexibly. For example, you can first offload the state dict to the 'cpu' and then save it to the disk. This can help you to load the checkpoint in a non-gpu environment: Examples: >>> state_dict_cfg=dict( >>> state_dict_type='FULL_STATE_DICT', >>> state_dict_config=dict(type='FullStateDictConfig', offload_to_cpu=True), >>> optim_state_dict_config=dict(type='FullOptimStateDictConfig', offload_to_cpu=True), See more configurable arguments for ``state_dict_cfg``, ``state_dict_config``, and ``optim_state_dict_config``in `FSDP official api documents`_ kwargs (dict): Additional arguments passed to :class:`DDPStrategy`: - work_dir (str): The working directory to save checkpoints. The logs will be saved in the subdirectory of `work_dir` named :attr:`timestamp`. Defaults to 'work_dirs'. - experiment_name (str, optional): Name of current experiment. If not specified, timestamp will be used as :attr:`experiment_name`. Defaults to None. - env_kwargs (dict, optional): Environment config passed in :meth:`setup_env`. Defaults to None. - log_kwargs (dict, optional): Logger config passed in :meth:`build_logger`. Defaults to None. activation_checkpointing (dict, optional): Config dict for gradient checkpoint. Examples: >>> activation_checkpointing = dict(check_fn='CustomCheckFn') >>> activation_checkpointing = dict(check_fn=dict(type='CustomCheckFn', arg1=arg1)) ``check_fn`` field should behave consistently with ``auto_wrap_policy`` defined in `model_wrapper`, and other fields will be passed to ``apply_activation_checkpointing`` `New in version 0.9.0.` .. _FSDP official api documents: """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, *, model_wrapper: Optional[dict] = None, skip_init_weights=False, state_dict_cfg: Union[str, dict] = 'local', activation_checkpointing: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(model_wrapper=model_wrapper, **kwargs) self._init_state_dict_cfg(state_dict_cfg) if not isinstance(skip_init_weights, bool): raise TypeError('skip_init_weights must be a boolean, but got ' f'{type(skip_init_weights)}') self.skip_init_weights = skip_init_weights self.activation_checkpointing = activation_checkpointing def _wrap_model(self, model: nn.Module) -> None: """Wrap the model to :obj:``MMFullyShardedDataParallel`` or other custom fully sharded data parallel module wrappers. Args: model (nn.Module): Model to be wrapped. Returns: FullyShardedDataParallel: ``MMFullyShardedDataParallel`` or subclass of ``FullyShardedDataParallel``. """ try: from torch.distributed.algorithms._checkpoint.checkpoint_wrapper import \ apply_activation_checkpointing # noqa: E501 except ImportError: apply_activation_checkpointing = None for module in model.modules(): if isinstance(module, BaseDataPreprocessor): if is_model_wrapper(model): return if self.model_wrapper is None: self.model_wrapper = dict(type='MMFullyShardedDataParallel') default_args = dict( module=model, device_id=int(os.environ['LOCAL_RANK']), type='MMFullyShardedDataParallel') model = self.model_wrapper, default_args=default_args) model.set_state_dict_type(model, self.state_dict_type, self.state_dict_config, self.optim_state_dict_config) if self.activation_checkpointing is not None: if apply_activation_checkpointing is None: raise RuntimeError( 'activation_checkpointing maybe deprecated by current ' 'PyTorch version, maybe you could switch to PyTorch 2.0 ' 'or 2.1 to use `activation_checkpointing`.') cfg = copy.deepcopy(self.activation_checkpointing) with FUNCTIONS.switch_scope_and_registry(None): check_fn = cfg.pop('check_fn') if isinstance(check_fn, str): check_fn = FUNCTIONS.get(check_fn) elif isinstance(check_fn, dict): fn_type = check_fn.pop('type') if isinstance(fn_type, str): fn_type = FUNCTIONS.get(fn_type) check_fn = partial(fn_type, **cfg) if not callable(check_fn): raise TypeError('`check_fn` must be a callable function') apply_activation_checkpointing(model, check_fn=check_fn, **cfg) return model def _is_full_state_dict(self): """Whether to save and load the full state_dict in rank 0.""" return self.state_dict_type == StateDictType.FULL_STATE_DICT
[文档] def build_model(self, model: Union[nn.Module, dict]) -> nn.Module: """Build model. If skip_init_weights is True, the model will be built with an empty weights. It means that :meth:`load_checkpoint` must be called to fill the weights before training. Args: model (nn.Module or dict): A ``nn.Module`` object or a dict to build ``nn.Module`` object. If ``model`` is a ``nn.Module`` object, just returns itself. Returns: nn.Module: Model build from ``model``. """ if self.skip_init_weights: if isinstance(model, dict): # Accelerate initialization by skipping init weights with MetaTensorContext(): model = super().build_model(model) model.to_empty(device='cpu') else: model = super().build_model(model) # `id_to_name` will be used to convert the `optim_state_dict` of the # raw optimizer to the `optim_state_dict` # returned by `FSDP.optim_state_dict` in # `StateDictType.FULL_STATE_DICT` mode. self.id_to_name = dict() for name, param in model.named_parameters(): self.id_to_name[id(param)] = name return model
[文档] def save_checkpoint(self, filename: str, *, save_optimizer: bool = True, save_param_scheduler: bool = True, extra_ckpt: Optional[dict] = None, callback: Optional[Callable] = None) -> None: """Save checkpoint to given ``filename``. If ``state_dict_type`` is `full`, the checkpoint will only be saved in rank0. The structure of the saved checkpoint is the same as the one saved by ``DDPStrategy`` If ``state_dict_type`` is `local`, each rank will save the sharded state dict to a directory, which means the saved structure will look like this: .. code-block:: bash ── epoch_0.pth ├── rank0.pth ├── rank1.pth ├── ... └── rank8.pth Args: filename (str): Filename to save checkpoint. Keyword Args: save_optimizer (bool): Whether to save the optimizer to the checkpoint. Defaults to True. save_param_scheduler (bool): Whether to save the param_scheduler to the checkpoint. Defaults to True. extra_ckpt (dict, optional): Extra checkpoint to save. Defaults to None. callback (callable, callable): Callback function to modify the checkpoint before saving the checkpoint. Defaults to None. """ from mmengine.runner.checkpoint import save_checkpoint state_dict: dict = dict() state_dict['state_dict'] = self.model_state_dict() # save optimizer state dict if save_optimizer and hasattr(self, 'optim_wrapper'): state_dict['optimizer'] = self.optim_state_dict() # save param scheduler state dict if save_param_scheduler and hasattr(self, 'param_schedulers'): state_dict['param_schedulers'] = self.scheduler_state_dict() # save extra checkpoint passed by users if extra_ckpt is None: extra_ckpt = dict() if 'meta' not in extra_ckpt: extra_ckpt['meta'] = dict() extra_ckpt['meta'].update( seed=self.seed, time=time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime()), mmengine=mmengine.__version__ + get_git_hash(), ) state_dict.update(extra_ckpt) # users can do some modification before saving checkpoint if callback is not None: callback(state_dict) # In non-FULL_STATE_DICT model, FSDPStrategy will save checkpoint # of different ranks in different files. if not self._is_full_state_dict(): rank = get_rank() mkdir_or_exist(filename) ckpt_name = f'rank{rank}.pth' filename = osp.join(filename, ckpt_name) save_checkpoint(state_dict, filename) if is_main_process(): save_checkpoint(state_dict, filename)
[文档] def model_state_dict(self) -> dict: """Get model state dict based on the ``state_dict_type``. If ``state_dict_type`` is `full`, the model state dict will be the same as the one of original unsharded model. If ``state_dict_type`` is ``local``, and ``use_orig_params`` is ``True`` in ``model_wrapper``. The key of the state dict will be the same as the one of original unsharded model, but its value will be the sharded one If ``state_dict_type`` is `local`, and ```use_orig_params``` is ``False`` in ``model_wrapper``, the flatten and sharded state dict will be returned. See more details in the `official api documents`_ .. _official api documents: """ # noqa: E501 # We've set state_dict by `FSDP.set_state_dict_type`, therefore we # should get model state dict by `FSDP.state_dict` return self.model.state_dict()
[文档] def optim_state_dict(self) -> dict: """Get model state dict based on the ``state_dict_type``. If ``state_dict_type`` is ``full``, the optimizer state dict can be loaded by the original unsharded optimizer. Otherwise, the optimizer state dict could only be loaded by the optimizer with sharded parameters. Note: The optimizer state dict is not the same as the one of original optimizer even if in ``full`` mode, although they can be loaded correctly. See more details in the `official api documents`_ .. _official api documents: """ # noqa: E501 return FSDP.optim_state_dict(self.model, self.optim_wrapper)
[文档] def load_checkpoint(self, filename: str, **kwargs) -> dict: """Load checkpoint from given ``filename``. Note: If ``state_dict_type`` is `local`, the filename should be a directory contains ``rank{i}.pth``. Args: filename (str): Accept local filepath, URL, ``torchvision://xxx``, ``open-mmlab://xxx``. Keyword Args: map_location (str or callable): A string or a callable function to specifying how to remap storage locations. Defaults to 'cpu'. strict (bool): strict (bool): Whether to allow different params for the model and checkpoint. revise_keys (list): A list of customized keywords to modify the state_dict in checkpoint. Each item is a (pattern, replacement) pair of the regular expression operations. Defaults to strip the prefix 'module.' by [(r'^module\\.', '')]. callback (callable, callable): Callback function to modify the checkpoint after loading the checkpoint. Defaults to None. """ if self._is_full_state_dict(): return super(DDPStrategy, self).load_checkpoint(filename, **kwargs) else: rank = get_rank() filename = osp.join(filename, f'rank{rank}.pth') return super(DDPStrategy, self).load_checkpoint(filename, **kwargs)
[文档] def load_model_state_dict( self, state_dict: dict, *, strict: bool = False, revise_keys: list = [(r'^module.', '')], ) -> None: # type: ignore """Load model state from dict. Warning: `revise_keys` is not supported yet. Args: state_dict (dict): Model state dict returned by :meth:`FSDPStrategy.model_state_dict`. If ``state_dict_type`` is ``full``. ``state_dict`` could be the result of ``model.state_dict()`` strict (bool): Whether to load model state dict strictly. Defaults to False. """ # We should load state dict by `FSDP.load_state_dict` self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=strict)
[文档] def load_optim_state_dict(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: """Load optimizer state from dict. Args: state_dict (dict): The optimizer state dict. If ``state_dict_type`` is ``full``. ``state_dict`` could be the result of ``optimizer.state_dict()`` """ optim_state_dict = FSDP.optim_state_dict_to_load( state_dict, self.model, self.optim_wrapper.optimizer) self.optim_wrapper.load_state_dict(optim_state_dict)
def _init_state_dict_cfg(self, state_dict_cfg: Union[str, dict]) -> None: """Make ``state_dict_type`` and ``state_dict_config`` can be configured with string.""" if isinstance(state_dict_cfg, str): if state_dict_cfg == 'full': self.state_dict_type = StateDictType.FULL_STATE_DICT self.state_dict_config = FullStateDictConfig( rank0_only=True, offload_to_cpu=True) self.optim_state_dict_config = FullOptimStateDictConfig( rank0_only=True, offload_to_cpu=True) elif state_dict_cfg == 'local': self.state_dict_type = StateDictType.LOCAL_STATE_DICT self.state_dict_config = LocalStateDictConfig() self.optim_state_dict_config = LocalOptimStateDictConfig() else: raise ValueError('FSDP only supports `full` and `local` ' f'state_dict_type, but got {state_dict_cfg}') elif isinstance(state_dict_cfg, dict): if 'state_dict_type' not in state_dict_cfg: self.state_dict_type = StateDictType.LOCAL_STATE_DICT else: state_dict_type = state_dict_cfg['state_dict_type'] if isinstance(state_dict_type, str): self.state_dict_type = StateDictType[ state_dict_cfg['state_dict_type']] else: self.state_dict_type = state_dict_type state_dict_config = state_dict_cfg.get('state_dict_config') if state_dict_config is None: self.state_dict_config = LocalStateDictConfig() elif isinstance(state_dict_config, dict): self.state_dict_config = state_dict_cfg['state_dict_config']) else: self.state_dict_config = state_dict_config optim_state_dict_config = state_dict_cfg.get( 'optim_state_dict_config') if optim_state_dict_config is None: self.optim_state_dict_config = LocalOptimStateDictConfig() elif isinstance(optim_state_dict_config, dict): self.optim_state_dict_config = state_dict_cfg['optim_state_dict_config']) else: self.optim_state_dict_config = optim_state_dict_config else: raise TypeError('state_dict_cfg should be a `str` or a `dict`, ' f'but got {type(state_dict_cfg)}') if not isinstance(self.state_dict_type, StateDictType): raise TypeError('state_dict_type must be StateDictType, but got ' f'{type(self.state_dict_type)}') if not isinstance(self.state_dict_config, StateDictConfig): raise TypeError('state_dict_config must be StateDictConfig, but ' f'got {type(self.state_dict_config)}') if not isinstance(self.optim_state_dict_config, OptimStateDictConfig): raise TypeError('optim_state_dict_config must be ' 'OptimStateDictConfig, but got ' f'{type(self.optim_state_dict_config)}')
[文档] def build_optim_wrapper( self, optim_wrapper: Union[Optimizer, OptimWrapper, dict], model: Optional[nn.Module] = None, ) -> BaseOptimWrapper: """Support sharding the optimizer state dict given a built optimizer or optim_wrapper. See specific usage in :meth:`BaseStrategy.build_optim_wrapper`. """ if isinstance(optim_wrapper, Optimizer): optim_wrapper = OptimWrapper(optim_wrapper) if isinstance(optim_wrapper, BaseOptimWrapper): assert model is not None # NOTE: The only difference is that FSDPStrategy will shard # the the built OptimWrapper optimizer = optim_wrapper.optimizer param_groups = optimizer.param_groups optim_state_dict = optimizer.state_dict() assert not optim_state_dict['state'], ( 'Optimizer state_dict should be empty when giving an built ' 'optim_wrapper to FSDPStrategy') # Align the state_dict with state_dict generated by # FSDP.full_optim_state_dict new_param_groups = [] for group in param_groups: new_group = { key: value for key, value in group.items() if key != 'param' } new_group['params'] = [ self.id_to_name[id(param)] for param in group['params'] ] new_param_groups.append(new_group) optim_state_dict['param_groups'] = new_param_groups defaults = { k: v for k, v in optimizer.defaults.items() if k != 'differentiable' } params_dict = {} for k, v in model.named_parameters(): if '_fsdp_wrapped_module' in k: k = k.replace('_fsdp_wrapped_module.', '') params_dict[k] = v params = [] for param_group in new_param_groups: _params = [] for param_name in param_group['params']: if param_name not in params_dict: raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to reconstruct the sharded optimizer. ' 'You can try to set `use_orig_params=True` in ' '`model_wrapper`') _params.append(params_dict[param_name]) param_group = { k: v for k, v in param_group.items() if k != 'param' } param_group['params'] = _params params.append(param_group) new_optimizer = optimizer.__class__(params, **defaults) # Force to load the converted optim_state_dict in full mode. with FSDP.state_dict_type(model, StateDictType.FULL_STATE_DICT): optim_state_dict = FSDP.optim_state_dict_to_load( optim_state_dict, model, new_optimizer) new_optimizer.load_state_dict(optim_state_dict) optim_wrapper.optimizer = new_optimizer return optim_wrapper if isinstance(optim_wrapper, (dict, ConfigDict, Config)): assert model is not None # optimizer must be defined for single optimizer training. optimizer = optim_wrapper.get('optimizer', None) optim_wrapper.setdefault('type', 'OptimWrapper') if optim_wrapper.get('type', 'AmpOptimWrapper') in ('AmpOptimWrapper', AmpOptimWrapper): optim_wrapper.setdefault('use_fsdp', True) # If optimizer is a built `Optimizer` instance, the optimizer # wrapper should be built by `OPTIM_WRAPPERS` registry. if isinstance(optimizer, Optimizer): return # type: ignore # If `optimizer` is not None or `constructor` is defined, it means, # optimizer wrapper will be built by optimizer wrapper # constructor. Therefore, `build_optim_wrapper` should be called. if optimizer is not None or 'constructor' in optim_wrapper: return build_optim_wrapper(model, optim_wrapper) else: # if `optimizer` is not defined, it should be the case of # training with multiple optimizers. If `constructor` is not # defined either, each value of `optim_wrapper` must be an # `OptimWrapper` instance since `DefaultOptimizerConstructor` # will not handle the case of training with multiple # optimizers. `build_optim_wrapper` will directly build the # `OptimWrapperDict` instance from `optim_wrapper.` optim_wrappers = OrderedDict() for name, optim in optim_wrapper.items(): if not isinstance(optim, OptimWrapper): raise ValueError( 'each item mush be an optimizer object when ' '"type" and "constructor" are not in ' f'optimizer, but got {name}={optim}') optim_wrappers[name] = optim return OptimWrapperDict(**optim_wrappers) else: raise TypeError('optimizer wrapper should be an OptimWrapper ' f'object or dict, but got {optim_wrapper}')
def _build_param_scheduler( self, scheduler: Union[_ParamScheduler, Dict, List], optim_wrapper: BaseOptimWrapper, default_args: dict, ) -> List[_ParamScheduler]: """Override this method to update the scheduler with the reconstructed sharded optimzer.""" if not isinstance(scheduler, Sequence): schedulers = [scheduler] else: schedulers = scheduler max_epochs = default_args.pop('max_epochs', None) max_iters = default_args.pop('max_iters', None) param_schedulers = [] for scheduler in schedulers: # Update the built scheduler with the sharded optimizer if isinstance(scheduler, (_ParamScheduler, LRScheduler)): parameter_keys = inspect.signature( scheduler.__class__).parameters.keys() kwargs = { k: v for k, v in scheduler.state_dict().items() if k in parameter_keys } scheduler = scheduler.__class__(optim_wrapper, **kwargs) elif isinstance(scheduler, dict): _scheduler = copy.deepcopy(scheduler) # Set default end if _scheduler.get('by_epoch', True): if max_epochs is None: raise ValueError( 'max_epochs must be specified in default_args') default_end = max_epochs else: if max_iters is None: raise ValueError( 'max_iters must be specified in default_args') default_end = max_iters _scheduler.setdefault('end', default_end) self.logger.debug( f'The `end` of {_scheduler["type"]} is not set. ' 'Use the max epochs/iters of train loop as default.') param_schedulers.append( _scheduler, default_args=dict( optimizer=optim_wrapper, **default_args))) else: raise TypeError( 'scheduler should be a _ParamScheduler object or dict, ' f'but got {scheduler}') return param_schedulers

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