

mmengine.runner.load_checkpoint(model, filename, map_location=None, strict=False, logger=None, revise_keys=[('^module\\.', '')])[source]

Load checkpoint from a file or URI.

  • model (Module) – Module to load checkpoint.

  • filename (str) – Accept local filepath, URL, torchvision://xxx, open-mmlab://xxx. Please refer to docs/ for details.

  • map_location (str) – Same as torch.load().

  • strict (bool) – Whether to allow different params for the model and checkpoint.

  • logger (logging.Logger or None) – The logger for error message.

  • revise_keys (list) – A list of customized keywords to modify the state_dict in checkpoint. Each item is a (pattern, replacement) pair of the regular expression operations. Defaults to strip the prefix ‘module.’ by [(r’^module.’, ‘’)].


The loaded checkpoint.

Return type:

dict or OrderedDict