
Migrate Model from MMCV to MMEngine


The early computer vision tasks supported by MMCV, such as detection and classification, used a general process to optimize model. It can be summarized as the following four steps:

  1. Calculate the loss

  2. Calculate the gradients

  3. Update the model parameters

  4. Clean the gradients of the last iteration

For most of the high-level tasks, “where” and “when” to perform the above processes is commonly fixed, therefore it seems reasonable to use Hook to implement it. MMCV implements series of hooks, such as OptimizerHook, Fp16OptimizerHook and GradientCumulativeFp16OptimizerHook to provide varies of optimization strategies.

On the other hand, tasks like GAN (Generative adversarial network) and Self-supervision require more flexible training processes, which do not meet the characteristics mentioned above, and it could be hard to use hooks to implement them. To meet the needs of these tasks, MMCV will pass optimizer to train_step and users can customize the optimization process as they want. Although it works, it cannot utilize various OptimizerHook implemented in MMCV, and downstream repositories have to implement mix-precision training, and gradient accumulation on their own.

To unify the training process of various deep learning tasks, MMEngine designed the OptimWrapper, which integrates the mixed-precision training, gradient accumulation and other optimization strategies into a unified interface.

Migrate optimization process

Since MMEngine designs the OptimWrapper and deprecates series of OptimizerHook, there would be some differences between the optimization process in MMCV and MMEngine.

Commonly used optimization process

Considering tasks like detection and classification, the optimization process is usually the same, so BaseModel integrates the process into train_step.

Model based on MMCV

Before describing how to migrate the model, let’s look at a minimal example to train a model based on the MMCV.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.optim import SGD
from import DataLoader

from mmcv.runner import Runner
from mmcv.utils.logging import get_logger

train_dataset = [(torch.ones(1, 1), torch.ones(1, 1))] * 50
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=2)

class MMCVToyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.linear = nn.Linear(1, 1)

    def forward(self, img, label, return_loss=False):
        feat = self.linear(img)
        loss1 = (feat - label).pow(2)
        loss2 = (feat - label).abs()
        loss = (loss1 + loss2).sum()
        return dict(loss=loss,

    def train_step(self, data, optimizer=None):
        return self(*data, return_loss=True)

    def val_step(self, data, optimizer=None):
        return self(*data, return_loss=False)

model = MMCVToyModel()
optimizer = SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
logger = get_logger('demo')

lr_config = dict(policy='step', step=[2, 3])
optimizer_config = dict(grad_clip=None)
log_config = dict(interval=10, hooks=[dict(type='TextLoggerHook')])

runner = Runner(

    log_config=log_config)[train_dataloader], [('train', 1)])

Model based on MMCV must implement train_step, and return a dict which contains the following keys:

  • loss: Passed to OptimizerHook to calculate gradient.

  • num_samples: Passed to LogBuffer to count the averaged loss

  • log_vars: Passed to LogBuffer to count the averaged loss

Model based on MMEngine

The same model based on MMEngine

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import DataLoader

from mmengine.runner import Runner
from mmengine.model import BaseModel

train_dataset = [(torch.ones(1, 1), torch.ones(1, 1))] * 50
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=2)

class MMEngineToyModel(BaseModel):

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.linear = nn.Linear(1, 1)

    def forward(self, img, label, mode):
        feat = self.linear(img)
        # Called by train_step and return the loss dict
        if mode == 'loss':
            loss1 = (feat - label).pow(2)
            loss2 = (feat - label).abs()
            return dict(loss1=loss1, loss2=loss2)
        # Called by val_step and return the predictions
        elif mode == 'predict':
            return [_feat for _feat in feat]
        # tensor model, find more details in tutorials/

runner = Runner(
    train_cfg=dict(by_epoch=True, max_epochs=5),
    optim_wrapper=dict(optimizer=dict(type='SGD', lr=0.01)))

In MMEngine, users can customize their model based on BaseModel, which implements the same logic as OptimizerHook in train_step. For high-level tasks, train_step will be called in EpochBasedTrainLoop or IterBasedTrainLoop with specific arguments, and users do not need to care about the optimization process. For low-level tasks, users can override the train_step to customize the optimization process.

Model in MMCV Model in MMEngine
class MMCVToyModel(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.linear = nn.Linear(1, 1)

    def forward(self, img, label, return_loss=False):
        feat = self.linear(img)
        loss1 = (feat - label).pow(2)
        loss2 = (feat - label).abs()
        loss = (loss1 + loss2).sum()
        return dict(loss=loss,

    def train_step(self, data, optimizer=None):
        return self(*data, return_loss=True)

    def val_step(self, data, optimizer=None):
        return self(*data, return_loss=False)
class MMEngineToyModel(BaseModel):

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.linear = nn.Linear(1, 1)

    def forward(self, img, label, mode):
        if mode == 'loss':
            feat = self.linear(img)
            loss1 = (feat - label).pow(2)
            loss2 = (feat - label).abs()
            return dict(loss1=loss1, loss2=loss2)
        elif mode == 'predict':
            return [_feat for _feat in feat]

    # The equivalent code snippet of `train_step`
    # def train_step(self, data, optim_wrapper):
    #     data = self.data_preprocessor(data)
    #     loss_dict = self(*data, mode='loss')
    #     loss_dict['loss1'] = loss_dict['loss1'].sum()
    #     loss_dict['loss2'] = loss_dict['loss2'].sum()
    #     loss = (loss_dict['loss1'] + loss_dict['loss2']).sum()
    #     Call the optimizer wrapper to update parameters.
    #     optim_wrapper.update_params(loss)
    #     return loss_dict


See more information about data_preprocessor and optim_wrapper in docs optim_wrapper and data_preprocessor.

The main differences of model in MMCV and MMEngine can be summarized as follows:

  • MMCVToyModel inherits from nn.Module, and MMEngineToyModel inherits from BaseModel

  • MMCVToyModel must implement train_step method and return a dict with keys loss, log_vars, and num_samples. MMEngineToyModel only needs to implement forward method for high level tasks, and return a dict with differentiable losses.

  • MMCVToyModel.forward and MMEngineToyModel.forward must match with train_step which will call it. Since MMEngineToyModel does not override the train_step, BaseModel.train_step will be directly called, which requires that forward must accept mode parameter. Find more details in tutorials of model

Custom optimization process

Takes training a GAN model as an example, generator and discriminator need to be optimized in turn and the optimization strategy could change as the training iteration grows. Therefore it could be hard to use OptimizerHook to meet such requirements in MMCV. GAN model based on MMCV will accept an optimizer in train_step and update parameters in it. Actually, MMEngine borrows this way and simplifies it by passing an optim_wrapper rather than an optimizer.

Referred to training a GAN model, The differences of MMCV and MMEngine are as follows:

Training gan in MMCV Training gan in MMEngine
    def train_discriminator(self, inputs, optimizer):
        real_imgs = inputs['inputs']
        z = torch.randn(
            (real_imgs.shape[0], self.noise_size)).type_as(real_imgs)
        with torch.no_grad():
            fake_imgs = self.generator(z)

        disc_pred_fake = self.discriminator(fake_imgs)
        disc_pred_real = self.discriminator(real_imgs)

        parsed_losses, log_vars = self.disc_loss(disc_pred_fake,
        return log_vars

    def train_generator(self, inputs, optimizer):
        real_imgs = inputs['inputs']
        z = torch.randn(inputs['inputs'].shape[0], self.noise_size).type_as(

        fake_imgs = self.generator(z)

        disc_pred_fake = self.discriminator(fake_imgs)
        parsed_loss, log_vars = self.gen_loss(disc_pred_fake)

        return log_vars
    def train_discriminator(self, inputs, optimizer_wrapper):
        real_imgs = inputs['inputs']
        z = torch.randn(
            (real_imgs.shape[0], self.noise_size)).type_as(real_imgs)
        with torch.no_grad():
            fake_imgs = self.generator(z)

        disc_pred_fake = self.discriminator(fake_imgs)
        disc_pred_real = self.discriminator(real_imgs)

        parsed_losses, log_vars = self.disc_loss(disc_pred_fake,
        return log_vars

    def train_generator(self, inputs, optimizer_wrapper):
        real_imgs = inputs['inputs']
        z = torch.randn(real_imgs.shape[0], self.noise_size).type_as(real_imgs)

        fake_imgs = self.generator(z)

        disc_pred_fake = self.discriminator(fake_imgs)
        parsed_loss, log_vars = self.gen_loss(disc_pred_fake)

        return log_vars

Apart from the differences mentioned in the previous section, the main difference in the optimization process in MMCV and MMEngine is that the latter can use optim_wrapper in a more simple way. The convenience of optim_wrapper would be more obvious if gradient accumulation and mix-precision training are applied.

Migrate validation/testing process

Model based on MMCV usually does not need to provide test_step or val_step for testing/validation. However, MMEngine performs the testing/validation by ValLoop and TestLoop, which will call runner.model.val_step and runner.model.test_step. Therefore model based on MMEngine needs to implement val_step and test_step, of which input data and output predictions should be compatible with DataLoader and Evaluator.process respectively. You can find more details in the model tutorial. Therefore, MMEngineToyModel.forward will slice the feat and return the predictions as a list.

class MMEngineToyModel(BaseModel):

    def forward(self, img, label, mode):
        if mode == 'loss':
        elif mode == 'predict':
            # Slice the data to a list
            return [_feat for _feat in feat]

Migrate the distributed training

MMCV will wrap the model with distributed wrapper before building the runner, while MMEngine will wrap the model in Runner. Therefore, we need to configure the launcher and model_wrapper_cfg for Runner. Migrate Runner from MMCV to MMEngine will introduce it in detail.

  1. Commonly used training process

    For the high-level tasks mentioned in introduction, the default distributed model wrapper is enough. Therefore, we only need to configure the launcher for MMEngine Runner.

    Distributed training in MMCV Distributed training in MMEngine
    model = MMDistributedDataParallel(
    runner = Runner(model=model, ...)
    runner = Runner(
        launcher='pytorch', # enable distributed training


  1. optimize modules independently with custom optimization process

    Again, taking the example of training a GAN model, the generator and discriminator need to be optimized separately. Therefore, the model needs to be wrapped by MMSeparateDistributedDataParallel, which need to be specified when building the runner.

    cfg = dict(model_wrapper_cfg='MMSeparateDistributedDataParallel')
    runner = Runner(


  1. Optimize a model with a custom optimization process

Sometimes we need to optimize the whole model with a custom optimization process, where we cannot reuse BaseModel.train_step, but need to override it, e.g. we want to optimize the model twice with the same batch of images: the first time with batch data augmentation on, and the second time with it off

class CustomModel(BaseModel):

    def train_step(self, data, optim_wrapper):
        data = self.data_preprocessor(data, training=True)  # Enable batch augmentation
        loss = self(data, mode='loss')
        data = self.data_preprocessor(data, training=False)  # Disable batch augmentation
        loss = self(data, mode='loss')

In this case, we need to customize a model wrapper that overrides the train_step and performs the same process as CustomModel.train_step.

   class CustomDistributedDataParallel(MMSeparateDistributedDataParallel):

       def train_step(self, data, optim_wrapper):
           data = self.data_preprocessor(data, training=True)  # Enable batch augmentation
           loss = self(data, mode='loss')
           data = self.data_preprocessor(data, training=False)  # Disable batch augmentation
           loss = self(data, mode='loss')

Then we can specify it when building Runner:

cfg = dict(model_wrapper_cfg=dict(type='CustomDistributedDataParallel'))
runner = Runner(