Base hook class. |
Save checkpoints periodically. |
A Hook to apply Exponential Moving Average (EMA) on the model during training. |
Collect logs from different components of |
Show or Write the predicted results during the process of testing. |
A hook to update some hyper-parameters in optimizer, e.g., learning rate and momentum. |
A hook that updates runtime information into message hub. |
Data-loading sampler for distributed training. |
A hook that logs the time spent during iteration. |
Synchronize model buffers such as running_mean and running_var in BN at the end of each epoch. |
Releases all unoccupied cached GPU memory during the process of training. |
A hook to analyze performance during training and inference. |
NPUProfiler to analyze performance during training. |
Wraps runner.model with subclass of |
Early stop the training when the monitored metric reached a plateau. |