NaiveVisualizationHook¶ class mmengine.hooks.NaiveVisualizationHook(interval=1, draw_gt=True, draw_pred=True)[source]¶ Show or Write the predicted results during the process of testing. Parameters: interval (int) – Visualization interval. Defaults to 1. draw_gt (bool) – Whether to draw the ground truth. Defaults to True. draw_pred (bool) – Whether to draw the predicted result. Defaults to True. after_test_iter(runner, batch_idx, data_batch=None, outputs=None)[source]¶ Show or Write the predicted results. Parameters: runner (Runner) – The runner of the training process. batch_idx (int) – The index of the current batch in the test loop. data_batch (dict or tuple or list, optional) – Data from dataloader. outputs (Sequence, optional) – Outputs from model. Return type: None before_train(runner)[source]¶ Call add_graph method of visualizer. Parameters: runner (Runner) – The runner of the training process. Return type: None